Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ten Commandments for Homeschooling Moms

From Karen Braun over at the SpunkyHomeSchool Blog, Monday, February 20, 2006:

I am the Lord your God, Thou shall have no other curriculum before Me. Every homeschooler wants to find the perfect curriculum. God's word is the best one around. Best of all most of us already own it.

Thou shall not make a graven image of the perfect homeschool family. There is no perfect homeschool family. We all have sinned a fall short of the glory of God.

Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. Don't be a slave to your duties. Take time to rest and enjoy your children and husband.

Honor your father and mother. Even if your parents are not believers or supportive of homeschooling honor them. It isn't easy, but the example you set now will pay dividends down the road. If they are deceased talk often of your parents and build bridges from the past to the future.

Thou shall not destroy thy children's spirits. Keep a tender eye toward their heart to make sure that their relationships with the Lord, you, and each other remain strong.

Thou shall not compare yourself one to another. Trust me, you'll always come up short and discontent.

Thou shall not commit "adultery". Stop cheating your husband of the respect he desires by comparing him to other homeschooling dads, speakers, or authors; and then wishing your husband would be different. Love the man you married not the perfect image in your mind.

Thou shall not boast about your accomplishments. Scripture says, "Let another praise you and not your own lips." The fruit of your work will be raising a generation of servants for the Lord. And the best reward will be when you stand before His throne and He boasts, "Well done my good and faithful servant. Enter now into the joy of my rest."

Thou shall encourage other families to good deeds, not judge one another harshly. We all make mistakes and have things we wished we had done differently. Seek to find ways to build one another up not tear each other down.

Thou shall not steal the joy of your family. The joy of the Lord shall be your strength. As you delight in the Lord your household will become delightful as well.

I don't pretend to do any one of these things on a consistent basis. God is still working on me but I press on to the high calling that Christ has set before me.


Blogger Patrick Davis said...

Great commands, Daughter.
I wonder where Karen got them? someone did some good thinking.

9:18 PM  

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